Current Risk Assessment

Many Earthquakes occur in South Australia each year, but the majority of those do not occur near the Adelaide Metropolitan region. Adelaide has the highest risk of an earthquake than any other Australia city. The largest earthquake to be felt by Adelaide residents recently occurred in April 2010, where a 3.8 magnitude earthquake hit near Mount Barker, and was felt more than 50km away in Kangaroo Island.

As Australia spends big money repairing damage caused by earthquakes, estimation of when and where they could occur is vital to ensure that any large destruction could be diverted. Although earthquakes cannot be definitively predicted, it is possible to estimate the likelihood of future earthquakes based on knowledge collected from previous quakes.

Recently in the last 30 days (April 30th – May 30th) there have been 8 minor earthquakes in South Australia, with the largest occurring off the south coast of Kangaroo Island with a magnitude of 3.4 (13th May 2015). The closest earthquake geographically to Adelaide hit close to Cape Jarvis, with a magnitude of 2.4.

Over a longer period of time, a total of 586 earthquakes have occurred across South Australia, ranging in magnitudes from 1.2 to 4.7.

Previous Earthquake activity from 2010 -2015.  Image from:
Previous Earthquake activity from 2010 -2015.
Image from:

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